March 9 Saturday 10 AM Clermont County Senior Center
Joint meeting with HSGC - A Master Gardener will speak on jumping worms and invasive spotted lantern flies Donuts and coffee will be provided
April 13 Krohn Conservatory 1501 Eden Park Drive Cincinnati OH
A tour of Krohn Conservatory along with the Butterfly Show - There will not be a meeting and members will pay their own way
A demonstration of Stihl garden tools and input from Gary Maly on innovations. There will also be a Silent Auction - A Pitch-In luncheon will follow
June 12 - 15
June 18 - 22 Marlborough MA
July 13 Indianapolis IN area
August 17 10 AM Cincinnati Civic Garden Center 2715 Reading Road Cincinnati OH
GCDHS meeting - Daylily hybridizers, Nancy and Bob Watson, will speak. They are donating plants to the club to be auctioned off at the meeting - Coffee and donuts will be provided
GCDHS meeting