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american hosta society

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hosta liberty
2019 Best of Show Hosta 'Sagae'
Hemerocallis 'Shuffle the Deck'
2019 Best-in-Show Hemerocallis 'Run N the Green Light'
2024 Calendar
Region 2 Winter meeting

March 9 Saturday 10 AM
Clermont County Senior Center

Joint meeting with HSGC - A Master Gardener will speak on jumping worms and invasive spotted lantern flies
Donuts and coffee will be provided

March 15 - 16
Piqua Ohio
Hosta College registration open until February 24, 2024 the flyer

April 13
Krohn Conservatory
1501 Eden Park Drive
Cincinnati OH

A tour of Krohn Conservatory along with the Butterfly Show - There will not be a meeting and members will pay their own way

May 18 10 AM
Judy Case's Garden
8477 Prilla Ln
Cincinnati OH 45255

A demonstration of Stihl garden tools and input from Gary Maly on innovations. There will also be a Silent Auction - A Pitch-In luncheon will follow

June 1
Krohn Conservatory

1501 Eden Park Drive
Cincinnati OH
GCDHS Hosta Show
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The show schedule
June 6 - 8
Hosta Tailgate

June 12 - 15

American Daylily Society National Convention

June 18 - 22
Marlborough MA

The American Hosta Society National Convention

July 13
Indianapolis IN area

GCDHS Bus Trip
sign up
July 27
the Eller’s garden
GCDHS meeting - silent auction


American Daylily Society Region 2 Summer Meeting

August 17 10 AM
Cincinnati Civic Garden Center
2715 Reading Road
Cincinnati OH

GCDHS meeting - Daylily hybridizers, Nancy and Bob Watson, will speak. They are donating plants to the club to be auctioned off at the meeting - Coffee and donuts will be provided

August 31 Saturday 10 AM - 3 PM
222 E.Wenger Rd
Englewood OH 45322
Bob's Garden Fair - Sale of Rare and Unusual Plants and Garden Art - the flyer


GCDHS meeting


GCDHS Holiday Party